Greff the Griller

Greff the Griller
abstract from a local newspaper:
After weeks of unexplained eatings, the unknown griller is still on the rise. After little evidence has been found, a young boy states that he ate one of the griller's foods and bravely tells his story.
"I had bad dream and I woke up in night," said the boy, "I gotted the smell of hotdogs coming from the kitchen. I wented back under covers to get back into sleep but I became hungry so went down to kitchen. I then saw that door of kitchen was open and lights on, which was strange because Im sure I shut door and light when I went to sleep. I then saw him, big smile and dark eyes, he wore a chef hat and his face was full of acne and grease. I tried to run back to my room but he followed me. He hitted me into the ground and I felt weak and couldnt do anything. He whipped out a hotdog and said 'go to eat'. I then ate the hotdog and it tasted very good.
Greff arived in new poor neighborhood because his parents became poor because they lost work.
Greff's mom said "Greff and Griu you should go play with kids in neighborhood" 
Greff and his brother Griu wented to playground. There was hotdog stand man. "Hello new kids are you want hotdog for free becuse your new" Greff and Griu nodded. They wered very hungry. They paid hotdogman and walked away. "This hotdog is great" said Griu. Greff agreed. But Greff gotted strange feeling and decided to ignore it.
When they came home there mom said "we go to party this week". Greff and Griu didnt want but they had to. Greff got a strange feeling but it wasnt that bad, it didnt hurt at all. It felt a bit pleasant. 
Greff and Griu waited for bus to go to school. Then came boy 1 year younger then Greff. He skateboarded over them and He said "Im Grandy and u must pay us money" then came 2 other boys. Groy and Greith. Griu stood up and told them to shut the shit up. Grandy puled out a spatula. Greff got strange feeling again and he standed up. Griu pointed down to Greff to sit down. Greff didnt listen and taked spatula from Groy. Grandy said "what the fuck?1" and Greff took out a raw hotdog and shoved it into Grandy's mouth. Groy and Greith ran away. Greff and Griu went to school and pretended that nothing happened.
When he came home he start grilling burgers but police came to arrest him and Griu but Griu took blame to himself and went to prison for 1 years. Greff was sad and mom said "we go today to party Greff you can play and be not sad" 
Greff wented to room to dress. He put on black pants and had no black shirt so he took white greasy shirt with chef hat.
He then wented to party and played with kids shooting game. He liked it. But then came Grandy and his mates with spatulas to challange him to cook battle.  Greff was hesitant but joined. All the parents camed into kitchen and cheered thei're names outloud.
Grandy had to make the first burger. He said "watch and learn Greff, asshole" as he started grilling some burgers. he spinned it around very quickly and put it into bread when it was done. He added tomato and salad and mayonaise into it. "have a taste," Grandy said to parents. Parents tasted it and liked it. He got a 7/10 "Take that Greff, you cant beat that!" Said Grandy.
It was then turn for Groy, he was a bit fat btw, he had to make french fries. he started the fryer and poured fries into it. he cut some onions and took ketchup and put it on the fries when they were done. but he ate the fries himself and the parents couldnt rate. so he got 0/10. He said "This is bullshit" but nobody listened.
Greith wanted to make a pizza, and he did. he put extra salami on it and added some vegetables. When the pizza was done, he gave it to the parents. The parents loved the pizza especially because it was extra salami. but unfortunately they couldnt taste the salami and gave Greith a 8/10. "beat that, Greff!" Greith said to Greff.
And then it was Greffs turn, and he got the strange feeling again, but this time it was much stronger, he had a great urge to cook something epic. He put the fryer on and starte to make hotdog. There was huge crowd that cheered and thunder wented outside as the hotdog was being maked my Greff. When it was done, he made more and the parents had to test it.  Parents enjoyed it and gave 9/10.
The bullies wented angry "screw you and youre brother" said Grandy as he attacked Greff with spatula. Greff kicked him againdt the floor and fat kid Groy attacked him too, but Greff also wrecked him.
Greith took fryer and said "fuck u Greff" and throwed it on Greff. Greff was burning all over. He was a walking hotdog. He saw black and wake up in hospital.
His family was there and told that bullies confessed and Griu is free again. Doctor start remove bandage after few weeks. Greffs mother started to scream. Greff stood up and runned to the mirror. He saw that his face was now yellow with acne all over it. He felt it and it felt greasy. He shouted "I love my new look, it goes great with me" 
They wented home and that night Greffs mother was waked up. She went to bathroom and saw Greff removing eyelids and carve smile. "What the fuck she?!" she asked. Greff said "hey mom, I can always make hotdog and smile now at all times. I can also always look at my hotdogs" He rushed to his mom and stuffed a hotdog in her mouth.
Greff did same to his father. He then went to his brother Griu's room. He raised a hotdog and Griu woke up. What u doing Greff? Griu tried to escape but Greff pinned him down, ready to stick hotdog into his brother's mouth. "Shhhhhhhhhh,"Greff said "go to eat" but Griu didnt listen and pushed Greff off him.
He then ran downstairs. "please eat this shit" Greff shouted to his brother. Griu didnt listen to him and ran to the kitchen. Greff had followed him and they stood face to face. Greff raised his hotdog once more "just go to eat" he said again. Griu said "not today" and he opened the closet
and then a skeleton popped out